Just happened to read Sr. Bacchan’s blog on his visit to the NDTV studio at Delhi..
He says. “NDTv has taken over this entire hotel facility for their campaign ‘Save our Tigers’ and it is a sight you will never forget. It is complete madness !! The complexities of broadcast television, the urgency of timings and feeds and cuts and fade ins. The screaming and shouting of the time left, the co ordination with Delhi studios and the anchor on sight here. The pre show shoot and the introduction to the different clips, the adverts that go out … an endless operation of such magnitude, it will be difficult to understand what the heck is happening inside just one of their control rooms. Multiple switches of different hues and colors, blinking and to be pressed, rods and levers to be pushed to fade in the next program, instructions being shouted out at the speed of knots, an entire wall full of plasma, and all this for one program that shall air live tomorrow at 9AM till the 9PM of the day !!
But remarkably, what needs to be paid attention to is that it is being managed and operated by women – 90% of them !! And … I am told when the station started, the average age of those in command was 25 years !
This is modern India. This is women power. This is awesome !!
Those working in there were all the age of my daughter Shweta and less, coming close on to the age of my grand children.
It has been not just a great experience for me, but a moment of immense pride ! May they prosper ever and continue to assert themselves in the years to come. The time is not too far away when women shall rule the world, taking over from the men, if they have not already !”
This appreciation coming from an epitome of success in a male dominated society comes as a pleasant surprise.. or does it not? What he stated is a true fact and that too an undeniable one. Women are in every field of work, marking their presence, creating newer milestones, but are they credited for in all they do? A matter of debate for sure.
It took one single Sudha Kulkarni (now Sudha Murthy) to change their age-old policy of not recruiting female candidates but it was not just her – It also took the single great visionary J R D Tata to consider her letter with an open mind and not dismiss it citing “Policy Decisions”. I am sure we still have many such great entrepreneurs and visionaries whose unbiased decisions have made the journey to the top easier for Women; but the fact remains, we still need more of them not just in hundreds but in hundred thousands…..